Rubislaw Jamaican Partner
In 1999, Rubislaw Church entered into a partnership with the congregations of Mount Zion and Barrett Town Churches in the United Church of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. At that time the Rev. Margaret Fowler was our Mission Partner, supported by the World Mission Council of the Church of Scotland. The partnership began with the invitation by Margaret Fowler on a visit to Rubislaw Church to visit her church in Jamaica. At that time Rubislaw Church received a substantial legacy from the estate of Mrs Betty Raven, which became the Betty Raven Bequest to advance the mission and work of the congregation, locally and in the wider world. A need in Jamaica was identified in the provision of a Basic School in the area served by Mount Zion and Barrett Town Churches. Responding to that need, Rubislaw Church helped build a nursery school in Jamaica in partnership with these Jamaican congregations.
Rubislaw Church is now sponsoring one of the teachers at the school.